Tenant Warning Letter



    TENANT WARNING LETTER (South Yorkshire Properties only)

    This form should be completed by YAB staff when a tenant/accommodation provider breaches a condition of their tenancy. The form will generate warning emails to the tenant / accommodation provider. Where necessary the local council and Police will be informed. The landlord will also be informed and a copy of the email to tenant_warning@yabltd.com

    1. Tenant Details:

    2. Description of Warning to Tenant:

      TENANT WARNING LETTER (South Yorkshire Properties only)

      This form should be completed by YAB staff when a tenant/accommodation provider breaches a condition of their tenancy. The form will generate warning emails to the tenant / accommodation provider. Where necessary the local council and Police will be informed. The landlord will also be informed and a copy of the email to tenant_warning@yabltd.com

      1. Tenant Details:

      2. Description of Warning to Tenant: